Current date/time is Tue Oct 15, 2024 8:19 pm

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The Rules:1. Keep in line with the general TOS of If you are not familiar with it, check it here.2. Keep quotes to a minimum:of 4 quote boxes per post, this prevents the page being a massive tower of grey boxes and allows other members to actually find the current point of discussion quicker.3. Respect the Moderators! They volunteer to help keep this forum in order for your benefit. If you have a problem with a Moderator's decision either contact that Moderator in particular to discuss it or PM the administrator or co-mods if you feel that it is genuine power abuse, etc.4. No Spamming.5. No Cybering.6. No flaming/trolling please. If a problem arises with one of the users, please ask him/her to stop. If that attempt is unsuccessful please contact one of the Moderators.7. No Role-Playing outside the Role-Playing Stickies/Sub-forum. In other words, no crossover RP in a Inuyasha RP.8. If your thread has the potential to be a spoiler, please include SPOILER in the title in some format please, the anime/game has been out a long time but that does not mean everyone is as far as you or knows as much as you.9. DO NOT make repeat threads, if there is already a thread with your topic in existence I (or one of the mods) will lock the thread and make it an example to the rest of the guild.10. DO NOT BUMP THREADS! The ONLY exception to this rule is if the thread has moved to the 2nd page.11.DO NOT make threads such as "Need help?" or "Ask me questions". Instead post your questions in the Ask a Question forum.12. DO NOT create versus threads (ie. Cloud vs. Sephiroth or Who would win!, etc.). NO EXCEPTIONS.13. ALWAYS read the very first post to avoid spamming.14. ALWAYS use the best appropriate subforum for each new topic.15. Play nicely. You are all entitled to your own opinions of who ends up with who in each forum, but verbally attacking another member (or dissing on a pairing without any actual evidence, NOT opinion, to back it up) is not allowed. You can discuss the anime in the Chatterbox section but DO NOT be a jerk about it.16. Please use correct English and spell as best as possible. If you have a problem on how to spell a word then look it up.17. NO hate comments will be accepted. If you can't abide by this rule, then don't join. If you violate this rule after joining, you will be banned immediately.This list is not complete. New rules will be added as necessary to keep the forum running smoothly.